How do you follow the great advice of the Governments own directives when Wokinghams Conservative run council wants to concrete all over its green fields in the South of the Borough? The classic is 4500 houses on green fields, on the banks of the Loddon river between M4 motorway and a big dam at Bearwood lakes especially with climate change on the rise worldwide. a 35+ year building project and all the mayhem that will bring to local communities.
Government proposes new targets to protect environment New legal targets on air quality, nutrient pollution and water quality have been proposed by the Government as part of its Environment Act. The proposed targets include cutting air pollutant PM2.5 by a third compared to 2018 levels, halving the waste that ends up at landfill or incineration by 2042, increasing total tree cover by 3% by 2050, and significant improvements in the condition of Marine Protected Areas by 2042. The Government has also put forward a legal target for increasing species populations by 10% by 2042. Environment secretary George Eustice said: 'These proposed targets are intended to set a clear, long-term plan for nature’s recovery. In a post EU era we now have the freedom to move towards a system that focuses on nature’s recovery as well as its preservation, and which places more emphasis on science and less emphasis on legal process. This change in approach will help us in the pursuit of the targets we are setting under the Environment Act.' The Government said local authorities in areas affected by nutrient pollution will receive financial support to deliver new homes, including £100,000 each to support cross-local authority work. Council leaders have welcomed the new targets, saying they will give them a new responsibility for the environment but warned funding and support must be provided to protect blue and green spaces. 'Councils need to be listened to closely on nature recovery. Nutrient neutrality, and the halt to development it will cause, will have wide ranging consequences for local areas,' said Cllr Darren Rodwell, environment spokesperson for the Local Government Association. 'Ensuring that environmental protection is at the heart of planning policy is a priority for all local authorities. There are no easy answers and solutions need to be tailored to each area. Government can help by working with councils to review housing targets, where this is appropriate, and the LGA and the Planning Advisory Service will work with councils to find solutions and we support the additional funding for catchment areas.'
Special thanks to Councillor Gary Cowan for the report above.
This all comes at a time when Wokingham are putting out Newsletters trumpeting how they are "improving" our countryside:
Now I have no issue with parks, play areas, and shared outdoor spaces, these are a great addition to our community resources. However, I do have an issue with the proposal to turn the Loddon Valley at Hall farm into a "Garden Village". Not least because the Loddon Valley at Hall farm is UNIQUE!
Check the photo gallery HERE to see just how special this area is. Berkshire Archaeological Society are starting to investigate this area for remains of the Anglo Saxon Village that once existed alongside here. I have put a copy of their report to A&NPC on the downloads page HERE.
This area needs to be protected, AS IT IS, not turned into a housing estate, even if that housing estate comes with promises of "much needed infrastructure" or "Special Areas of Natural Greenspace".

this area is doing very well on its own ,a haven for the natural environment which is very badly needed . Both Reading university and Wokingham Borough Council have ignored reports on the history and the environmental benefits of leaving this site to nature .For their political/finational/and or other interests they have chosen to ignore the educational cultural and environmental benefits to all the future generations of this area .Yes some houses are needed in the area but not high priced gentrification at the expense of the educational benefits which this site offers for the future .